Terraced houses

Unlocking Surrey

Hospital is the best place to be if you are very unwell – but when you are better and ready to leave, being at home in familiar surroundings, with support from loved ones and family, is better for your general health and wellbeing it will help you recover faster.

When a patient is told by their hospital team that they are medically well and ready to leave, they will discuss plans to get them home – ensuring they have appropriate support.

What is 'Unlocking Surrey'?

Unlocking Surrey is a programme in Guildford and Waverley to review the patient discharge process across our system.

We aim to increase patient system flow by ensuring patients, carers and staff have access to the right support and information throughout the patient’s discharge journey to aid effective and informed decision-making so that discharge can occur at the optimum point in the patient’s recovery based on their needs. 

Between June and September 2022, partners across the Guildford and Waverley health and care system will be working to address gaps and meet our ambition. We will share and test our approach with patients, families, staff, carers and key stakeholder groups.