Palliative and End of Life Care

In Guildford and Waverley, we are passionate about supporting people to live as well as possible until they die.  And we are committed to supporting families and carers from identification of palliative care need through to bereavement and beyond.

We know that many people wish to be cared for and die in their usual place of residence and with our history of strong partnership working we are working hard to achieve this. 

In July 2021, Guildford and Waverley Health and Care Alliance (formerly known as Guildford and Waverley ICP) was awarded Regional Champion in the Care and Compassion category at the NHS Parliamentary Awards for its community palliative care Covid-19 response.

Our workforce

Most end of life care is provided by GPs, nurses and other ‘general’ health and care professionals, and not by staff who have specialist end of life care roles.  We are committed to making sure our general workforce has the right training and feels equipped to provide high quality end of life care, linking in with specialist staff for advice and support when they need it.

Local education and training programme

Partners across Guildford and Waverley Health and Care Alliance offer a programme of end of life training and education that is available free of charge to our professional workforce.

For a calendar of education opportunities, please contact Abigail Groves, Senior Delivery Programme Manager, Guildford and Waverley Health and Care Alliance

National training and education

End-of-life care for all programme

The End-of-life care for all (e-ELCA) elearning programme aims to enhance the training and education of the health and social care workforce so that well-informed high quality care can be delivered by confident and competent staff and volunteers to support people wherever they happen to be.

e-ELCA sessions have been highlighted as a resource to help with implementation of the NICE Guidelines on improving care for people who are in their last days of life.

There are over 170 highly interactive sessions which are grouped into nine modules:

  • Advance care planning
  • Assessment in end-of-life care
  • Communications skills
  • Symptom management, comfort and wellbeing
  • Integrating learning in end-of-life care
  • Social care
  • Bereavement care
  • Spirtual care
  • Specialist care

Register for e-learning

ReSPECT training

Professional resources, including ReSPECT training

Resuscitation Council UK

Other PEoLC and ReSPECT training and education

ReSPECT training video from our system partner, St Catherine's Hospice.

St Catherine's Hospice

Other national training resources

Somerset end of life care and bereavement support

Derbyshire Alliance for end of life care

Nottingham palliative and end of life care toolkit