End of life medication available via Royal Surrey out of hours line | News centre

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Doctor Talking To Senior female Patient In Wheelchair

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End of life medication available via Royal Surrey out of hours line

Doctor Talking To Senior female Patient In Wheelchair

The Royal Surrey County Hospital has been working with health partners across Guildford and Waverley Health and Care Alliance to find better arrangements to ensure the urgent supply of end of life medication can be obtained by patients and their families in the community when these medicines are not available through other established routes.

This means that individuals at their end of life can access the medications they need from the hospital when they really need it.

Prescribers within the community can contact Royal Surrey’s emergency duty pharmacist with the medication requests when they are most needed by a patient and medicines can be collected by the patient, carers, couriers or community staff.

The service has been championed as a great example of collaborative working. The out of hours service will help continue to deliver vital end of life medication for patients when most needed and highlights the importance of good patient care at the end of life.

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